The North Cyprus regime also turned a blind eye whilst……..



After many many months of silence from our lawyer we were informed on April 30 09 that our case against AGA Development (Gary John Robb) went to court in Kyrenia earlier in April, but neither the defendant nor their lawyer appeared. We did not expect any different as one of the Directors of AGA Development is in jail in the UK and the other two directors Tuncel Tahir Soycan and Kutsel Tokatlıoğlu blatantly flout the TRNC Law at any given moment. They both believe they are invincible and will always be free from North Cypriot prosecution of any kind. However there is a Red Alert Bulletin/Warrant from Interpol for the arrest of Kutsel Tokatlıoğlu.


It’s amazing how year after year (since 2006)  our case comes to court just before the three month summer recess, but however, the judge/courts in April set another hearing for May 20 09 where all our evidence against AGA Development (Gary John Robb) would be produced by our legal team. The judge/court also ordered that John & I appear to testify in person. This was in no way possible part from our financial situation (at least £1000 for flights + Accommodation) and the fact that we have two children attending school it’s also due to the fact that I am recently out of hospital after a major operation and am unable to fly till at least July/August and John could not travel alone due to the fact that had to look after me and the children whilst I recuperated.


It was pointed out by the North Cyprus Judge/Courts that we were still to pay a form of Stamp Duty. (On enquiring about this tax on Feb 2 08 we were informed by the TRNC London Office not to pay this as we had no property)  It was explained by us to our lawyer that due to the financial situation that the AGA SAGA has left us in we were not in a position to pay this tax immediately but would happily pay it with interest after our judgement had been issued and enforced.


We sent an email to our lawyer in North Cyprus to this effect, copied in our UK Lawyer, and The British High Commission along with a copy to the North Cyprus London Representative Serap Destegul. We also offered to travel to the TRNC London Office to sign an affidavit or any necessary paperwork for the Kyrenia Courts. We had no further communication from our lawyer on this or any other point.


Due to the deafening silence from our legal team in North Cyprus we decided that we should not take any chances and we would to take legal advice here in the UK on this tax matter. Following a meeting with our UK Legal team an official letter was drafted addressed to the courts in Kyrenia. This letter was written by our solicitor and signed by both John & myself – along with our passport numbers. This letter was scanned and emailed to our legal team in North Cyprus (still to date no acknowledgement to this letter) , copied to the British High Commission and Serap Destegul at the TRNC London Office. It was a promise/declaration that all taxes (not liable by AGA Development) would be paid with interest by us as and when our claim had been settled in full.


Should this legal document not be acceptable to the courts in North Cyprus, then it will go to prove that those in authority in the North Cyprus regime are just simply looking for a way out from any responsibility that they have for aiding/causing the whole Property Scam Scandal.


After all it is the North Cyprus regime/administration from the very top to the very bottom that allowed a fugitive wanted by the United Kingdom Authorities to openly live in their country – knowing full well that he was a wanted man. The North Cyprus regime also turned a blind eye whilst this man set up a company and fleeced hundreds of British out of millions of pounds from alleged property scams. They also allowed him, assisted by one of their lawyers (who was on the FCO recommended lawyer list – since removed)  to transfer millions of pounds out of North Cyprus to various other countries. They also allowed him back into North Cyprus when he was allegedly about to be arrested in his hiding place Thailand by Interpol on behalf of the Republic Of Cyprus –This fugitive was also travelling on a passport that was allegedly issued in error by the UK Authorities in Cyprus. What country on earth renews a known fugitive’s passport – only the UK, but that’s another story to be unravelled !


So would this regime look favourably upon the innocent victims of this scam. Victims who wanted only to enjoy the peace, tranquillity and beauty of this island. Victims who simply wanted to share what they had found with family and friends. Victims who could have become the lifeline that the North Cyprus economy so needed.


No, the North Cyprus administration went for the quick, corrupt buck that this fugitive and other criminals still that wander the streets of North Cyprus offer. The regime of North Cyprus had/have no long term visions, and for this attitude they are dearly paying.


The downturn in the North Cyprus economy is sharper than most countries.  All the visitors to this once beautiful unspoilt island will see is the thousands and thousands of half built, empty villas from which bankrupt and corrupt developers have fled. The rubbish that lines the streets and of course the tourists will suffer from the insanely high prices now being charged by the retail sector who are simply trying to survive.


The failure of taking the long term honest view by this allegedly corrupt regime has led to what is now the certain downfall of North Cyprus and its economy.  They need now to make a show of integrity and help victims – they need to be seeing to make a stand against the scum that for so long have ruled North Cyprus on a diet of threats and bribes


If the court/judge in North Cyprus is not prepared to accept the letter drafted by our solicitor here in the UK as a promise to settle any outstanding debts then their legal traffic is definitely a one way street which favours the criminal.


We as ABAG already proved that North Cyprus is lawless to some extent in August 2007, when two of us travelled to North Cyprus and after visiting some people with very important positions within the TRNC administration; we still could not get a 2006 judgement enforced. All we got was empty promises and lies from persons within the administration who should have known better. We really think that the North Cyprus Administration thought we would just go away – no – we as ABAG are here to stay until a solution is reached – no matter how long it takes and no matter who within the North Cyprus regime we tread on in order to forge a solution. We have nothing to lose – they do !!!!!!!!  As each day passes the more evidence we release and the louder we get. This blog enjoys over 300 hits per day and when we release interesting evidence it can reach 1000 hits per day. Bad news travels faster than good, yet those within the North Cyprus Administration simply bury their heads in the sand therefore ignoring this fact that is staring them in the face.


To date this 2006 judgement that was the reason for our August 2007 visit remains outstanding even though it has been proved beyond all reasonable doubt that AGA Development and its directors have the assets in order to satisfy this and other outstanding warrants/judgements. During January 2008 the then directors of AGA Developments signed a few protocols in order to ‘sell-off’ their assets – what is left now – who knows, but the other two directors Tuncel Tahir Soycan and Kutsel Tokatlıoğlu are still trading as AGA Development, and being current directors are therefore liable for the legal impediments against AGA Development.


The wife of the UK Fugitive, AGA Robb is still resident in North Cyprus in a house allegedly worth in excess of £400,000 with numerous vehicles. We have been informed that all property and vehicles are allegedly in the name of AN Other, but this can be proved otherwise. We know that her husband was also building Hotels, Casinos and Nightclubs shortly before his sudden departure – so any lawyer who tells you there are no assets is lying !


What are they trying to hide ?


Why will they not enforce any Judgements?


Why do they ignore what is happening right under their noses ?


Why do they not issue PTP’s immediately, making victims wait up to two years thus causing prospective buyers to lose their savings if the PTP is refused ?


Why Are Next To No Title Deeds Ever Issued ?


Why Do They Favour The Criminal & Not The Victim ?


So many questions – with no answers


The North Cyprus Regime

are heard throughout the world

heard bleating the words

 ‘Human Rights’


‘ Human Rights ‘ – they haven’t got a frigging clue !!!!!


It appears that these criminals

Against who legal cases are brought

All have the financial means to effect

 ‘ La Mordida ‘

 Whilst us mere mortals – the innocent victims don’t



Let us hope that the Judges/Courts of North Cyprus are seen to change direction and finally stand up for what is right as regards all victims of property scams that have occurred in North Cyprus. After all there is nothing that we would like more than to tell a success story amongst all the doom and gloom that has gone before !


Our Letter


Mr & Mrs  J Latchford


 AGA Development (hereinafter known as the 1st Party)


Latchford (hereinafter known as the 2nd Party)



To Whom It May Concern


We herewith declare that due to the current financial circumstances of the 2nd Party which is solely due to the actions of the 1st Party,  all taxes outstanding to the TRNC Government as regards Stamp Duty relating to the contract dated 8th June 2004 that are not to be met by the 1st Party as stated in sections 7 and 7.1 of the aforementioned contract, will be met including interest by the 2nd Party as and when a judgement is issued by the Girne Courts against the 1st Party and enforced to a satisfactory conclusion by the legal team representing the 2nd Party






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