In North Cyprus there are many attempts to discredit our protest



A flurry of activity or should I say McFlurry of activity hit the blog and website the other day and I didn’t know why, till I saw the new McDonalds advert on the television featuring the well known North Cyprus You Tube ditty ‘Busy Doing Nothing’. We had resurrected this video more than 2 weeks previous, what timing ! It appears that many people are searching out this song and along the way are stumbling (in the hundreds) across our web content !  It is amazes me still today as to how the internet links subjects together in one way or another. We have other videos featuring well known tunes like Right Said Fred, Digging a Hole and Little Boxes, but for the time being they cannot be published. They will however ‘be back soon’


So to the protest, there are many attempts to discredit our protest, and in the TRNC Marian Stokes of the HBPG has tried in her quotes published in Cyprus Today to do just that. But unfortunately  the momentum for the need for protest here in the UK has now grown to monumental proportions and even the ex-pats within the TRNC are now revolting and I mean that in the nicest possible way before am shot down in flames!   It is as I have always realised very difficult for the British living in North Cyprus to make their feelings known on the ground so to speak, but they as they well know have the freedom of protest in the UK, and whether they are with us physically or not makes no difference as we know from the mountains of mail we have received that many will be there in spirit.


We cannot understand why Marian Stokes would now try to discredit such a vocal way to express ones concerns (understatement) as to the ways and workings of the North Cyprus Regime. We as ABAG have now been fighting for in excess of 3 years for a solution. We have followed the (non existent) legal route in North Cyprus as advised by the UK authorities and each time we hit the proverbial brick wall. We have done everything right so far and yet here we are still waiting.


Our property was due completion in December 2005 after we signed the contract in June 2004. To date we have nothing to show for it but a hefty hole in our finances, a non existent property complaints office (we knew that would happen) and a regime who even as a new one are either ignoring the plight of property investors or making numpty statements about forming more committees. When will the North Cyrus regime realise that they cannot feed us with rubbish newspaper reports any longer, we along with hundreds of others just laugh at them because just don’t believe them now.


Marian Stokes says that we should be ‘ talking ‘, sorry but we have talked for long enough. I have personally emailed Marian on numerous occasions (at the request of Hasan Sungur and a UK Gov official) but since June 08 I have yet to have a reply. Marian Stokes is a busy woman and cannot help everyone, no man is an island and although she has been working steadfastly and for which she should be commended a letter in Cyprus Today pointed out, what exactly has been achieved. by the HBPG, and In real terms the answer is absolutely nothing. It appears to us as each days passes that Marian may have been used by the TRNC regime to try to appease everyone. This is no longer working and as the writer said earlier the peasants are revolting ! Even those that surround Marian as co-ops of the HBPG are writing letters that are contradictory to what Marian is quoting in the press.  We as ABAG do not make verbal quotes to the press, everything we say to the press is put in writing then there can be no mistake as to what we have said.


In Feb 2008 GAK TV featured a group of lawyers discussing the property issues. One of these lawyers said when referring to ABAG:- “These ladies will not go away”. How right he is, we will not go until a solution is arrived at. We have met so many officials now that I feel like Ban Ki Moon, but they all disappear without a trace after promises of help. We have correspondence going back years with promises of help from various North Cyprus persons – turned out all to be Bullshit.


We were informed by our lawyer that our case would be in court (again) on May 21st – to date heard nothing !  We were informed that there maybe a problem, as we had not paid stamp duty. Stamp Duty ON WHAT ??????  we have no plot, house or dusty bath, we did however send a legal letter promising to pay any outstanding taxes that may have been levied without our knowledge with interest after our judgement, which has yet of years of promises from our lawyer yet to appear, been satisfied, but ho-hum in true North Cyprus fashion no reply. from anyone !


Our case has been in the North Cyprus legal system since October 2005 and according to our lawyer has been heard on at least nine occasions since 2005 – what is there to hear ?


We paid money to AGA Development and we don’t have what we paid for – think in anyone’s terms that is simplez !


Could it be that they were deliberately attempting to extort more money from us – well we haven’t paid another penny, nor has it ever been requested. Strange, mind you we have none to give them so everything would have to be retrospect.


And the lawyer – well a no win – no fee basis maybe ? or a promise not to name him and his company in a detrimental manner  here on the blog/website/forums/UK Courts (if it should go that far)  maybe


It’s not solely about Gary Robb anymore and their allowing him to freely walk their streets when he was allegedly wanted by the UK Authorities. It’s about the fact that our contract is with AGA Development of which Gary Robb is one of three directors. The latter two are Turkish Cypriot. They as AGA Development are also responsible for the criminal activities that have occurred and they have not been brought to book. It’s also about the alleged corruption bubbling beneath the surface of what appears to be a safe and tranquil country.  I have witnessed what occurs beneath the seas of beauty and tranquility of North Cyprus and believe me it’s not a pretty sight.


The new regime have not made any noises about what they expect to do about the dire construction/economic situation within their country. Neither are we expecting a bail-out from the TRNC Government, they are allegedly almost bankrupt as it is. What we do expect however is a major overhaul in how they are treating foreign property investors after having lured them into the North Cyprus Honey Trap. To date there are no legal safeguards for investors and the contracts that are drawn up for buyers are akin to a toilet roll ! 


We have written once again (now 1003’ish times) to the Presidents office. We know these letters have been received as these are our ticket numbers:- JCQU-5010, NQDQ-9469, MILT-2788. ………………………Hands up all those who think we will get a response


North Cyprus should not be allowed to sell any property/land until there are proven legal safeguards in place and to-date the only thing that we have proved beyond all reasonable doubt is that there are none in place !


Therefore we hope to see as many as possible over the two day property protest – it’s not our first and most probably it won’t be our last



And to all of those………and you know who you are – Becareful if you continue to  ………….







One Response to In North Cyprus there are many attempts to discredit our protest

  1. ROBIN says:

    I hear the poor builders are complaining that bad press is driving custom away. Well we all know the answer to that don\’t we? COME LEAN! APOLOGISE! AND PUT THE WRONGS RIGHT! Easy really.

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